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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I didn't know much about Squidoo until a friend at work suggest that I look into it and try to share thoughts about geothermal heat pumps on the site. Since then I have become fully impressed and enraptured by the blogging platform. People of all backgrounds and with all interests can design pages about any topic they desire. It's very user friendly and the community is so kind and helpful.

The first 'lens' I ever wrote can be found here: Benefits of Geothermal. You can find a description of a geothermal heat pump and a list of benefits they have to offer.

My second 'lens' was all about the tax incentives available for alternative energy upgrades, specifically geothermal heating and cooling. If you'd like more information on that subject or would like to give me feedback this is the lens: Tax Credits for Geothermal Energy.

Lastly, one I just completed today, can be found at This highlights the recent press released and news interviews we have participated in.

If you have never been to Squidoo I would highly recommend it as a valuable source of information and a way for you to inform the public about your interests, talents, business, products, thoughts, or any other subject.



Siska said...

youtube sabung ayam

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